Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Early morning day 2

I will just send a couple more, so that you can continue with your day's chores...
This pic was taken early on day 2, which was billed to be a very long one, as it contained considerable climbing in sandy tracks - little did any of us know what was ahead of us!
Many of the camps had been set up close to local villages, the the empty 5l water bottles (see 2 in the pic) were prized possessions!
The route for the day was a fantastic 16km single track (mostly along an elephant track) with tea at a look-out 100m over the Shingwedzi River. The next 33km were fine - albeit quite tough, but the 20km thereafter are a whole own story.
we are headed off to breakfast now, so the story will have to continue another time..
Holger has just accused me of not having any respect for my fellow travellers.... so cheers.

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